Reprinted by permission of the
Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology
Inward Light,
Vol. XLII, No. 93, by Ermine Huntress Lantero, ed.,
copyright © 1979 by Edith Sullwold, Ph.D.
We are more than our bodies,
we are fields of energy out of which we form our bodies. Our
bodies are within us.
Every part contains the whole.
We cannot move without influencing everything in the
universe. We are the stars, the plants, each other. Possibly
just by thinking about anything we can change the object and
ourselves. In that case we have choices and responsibilities
for change in ourselves and in all of life.
thought, every dream, every myth, every feeling, every image
is an awareness of another reality which coexists. We seek
the harmony between all our universes.
We don't have to make an
effort to control or direct our energies. We need only allow
the consciousness, the totality, the I which we
are, to come to our awareness, to find us and harmonize us.
As we turn inward, we realize
we directly affect the universe and take direct
responsibility, knowing that our totality is with us now.
If enough people are aware of the harmonies and peace
implicit in all layers of the universe, conflict and fear
can diminish. An excitement for life, its joy, its
brilliance, its dance of movement and change is our natural
inheritance, and we are all needed for the dance.
Edith Sullwold's main
presentation on this theme at Haverford '78 was an
illustrated lecture, not reducible to print. Later she
kindly wrote a different article for our Spring '79 issue.
We now feel moved to supplement it with this sampling from
taken by some who heard her at Haverford. |